
Founder of Sevimli

Abdukhalikov Firdavs Fridunovich

Founder of Sevimli

iamge of founder

Born on August 10, 1963 in Samarkand, in the family of doctor Fridun Abdukhalikov and public figure Mahira Latypova. On his father’s side, he is the grandson of the writer Mirza Kokanbay Abdukhalikov, on his mother’s side, he is the great-grandson of the industrialist and philanthropist Mirza Bukhari. Has a family. Father of three children.


In 1980 he graduated from school No. 16 in Samarkand. In 1980-1985 he studied at the Faculty of Philology of Samarkand State University, in 2001-2007 at the Faculty of Economics. On October 24, 2023, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Artistic interpretation of historical figures in medieval miniatures of the East.”

Labor activity

  • 1985-1987 – teacher of vocational school No. 33 in Samarkand;
  • 1987-1988 – Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of Printing School No. 16, Samarkand;
  • 1988-1989 – Director of the Samarkand Regional Youth Center;
  • In 1989-1998. general director and founder of the first non-state television company – STV;
  • 1998-1999 – Deputy Chairman of Uzteleradiocompany;
  • 1999-2004 – Deputy of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • 1999-2001 – Chairman of the Commission on Youth Affairs of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • 1999-2002 – Chief Advisor to the Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • 2016 – founder and top manager of the press club “Press Club: Elections 2016”;
  • 2003-2022 Founder and Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Electronic Media of Uzbekistan;
  • Since 2018 – Chairman of the Board of the World Society for the Preservation, Study and Popularization of the Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan;
  • Since 2019 – General Director of the Cinematography Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Since 2020 – Chairman of the Oscar Committee of Uzbekistan;
  • Since 2021 – General Director of the Tashkent International Film Festival;
  • Since 2021 – Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the VGIK branch in Tashkent;
  • Since 2022 – Chairman of the International Creative Union of Film Studios of the CIS and Georgia
  • Since 2023 – Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of the Turkic World.

Scientific publishing activities

In 2016, he founded the International multimedia project “Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan in World Collections.” Since 2018, he was elected Chairman of the Board of the World Society for the Study, Preservation and Popularization of the Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan. Engaged in the preparation and publication of scientific literature.

Science articles

Author of books on the historical heritage of Uzbekistan, including:

  • "Kattalangar Koran".
  • "Divan (Administration) of Hussein Boykar"
  • “The Garden of Purity” (Rauzat al-Safo)”
  • "Timur".
  • "The Book of Unchangeable Stars."
  • "Zafarnoma".
  • "Merozhnoma"

Currently, together with the publishing house Mueller&Schindler, work is underway to publish facsimile projects “114 Korans” and “The Largest Manuscripts of Uzbekistan”.

Published books

  • A series of book-albums “Cultural heritage of Uzbekistan in world collections.”
  • “Architectural epigraphy of Uzbekistan.”
  • “Keeper of ancestral traditions.”
  • “Rishton ceramics”.
  • “Masterpieces of Uzbek art. Art".
  • “Masterpieces of Uzbek art. Artistic metal."
  • “Masterpieces of Uzbek art. Ceramics".
  • “Masterpieces of Uzbek art. Artistic textiles."
  • “Kamoliddin Behzad: Shaming Mani.”
  • “The island and shores of the AMU: the art of the Karakalpaks.”
  • “Historical figures of Uzbekistan in Eastern miniature.”

Science articles

  • Book-Description of the manuscript “Devoni Husseini”.
  • Book-Description of the manuscript “Meroyannoma”.
  • Portraits of the Timurids in miniatures by Kamoliddin Behzad.
  • Images of Ulugbek in medieval manuscripts.
  • Rare portrait of Ulugbek.
  • Wealth left over from the rich.
  • Portraits in miniatures from the Safavid era.
  • Oriental miniature: Islamic philosophy and human imagination.
  • The figure of Babur: a symbol of strength and greatness.
  • Babur in Eastern miniature.
  • The cultural heritage of Uzbekistan unites scientists from the world.
  • Alisher Navoi in Eastern miniature.
  • Manguberdi in Eastern miniature.
  • Images of Omar Sheikh Mirza in Eastern miniature.
  • “Devoni Hussein” is a masterpiece of art of oriental culture.
  • Message and translation of “Tazkiratul-avliya”.
  • Oriental miniature and Islamic philosophy.
  • Miniatures of Kamaliddin Behzad from the work “Khamsa” by Nizami Ganjavi.


  • “East, reveal your face: how does the ban on images work in Muslim culture?” – Conversation with Firdavs Abdukhalikov.
  • “Cultural rivalry without borders and Gordian knots.” Firdavs Abdukhalikov about people, scientific discoveries and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan.
  • “The oldest images of Jalaluddin Manguberdi have been discovered.”

Producing career


  • “Ilhak” (“Excitement”)
  • “Men terrorist emasman” (“I am not a terrorist”)
  • "Flight 101"
  • “Rangsiz orzular” (“Colorless dreams”)
  • “Samarkandda kovun khidi” (“The smell of melon in Samarkand”)
  • “Asirlik” (“Captivity”)


  • “Uzbekistan: pearls of sand”
  • “Uzbekistan: Revival”
  • “Uzbekistan: revelations found”
  • “Uzbekistan: love legends”
  • “Uzbekistan: A Look at the Third Renaissance”
  • “Uzbekistan: The generosity of the dastarkhan”
  • “New Uzbekistan”
  • “Karakalpakstan: Through the Sands of Time”
  • “Nukus: Unknown Set”
  • documentaries10
  • "Ottoman Koran"
  • “Katta Langar Quran: facts and legends”
  • Series of documentaries “Uzbekistan Madanii Merosi”
  • Documentary film “Heart of the People”

Titles and awards

  • Honorary title “Honored Journalist of the Republic of Uzbekistan” in 2011 for many years of fruitful work and great merits in the development of the media;
  • In 2018, he was awarded the Order of “Mehnat Shukhrati” (Glory of Labor) for outstanding labor achievements that contributed to the progress of the economy and culture, the growth of the well-being of the population, and the maintenance of peace and stability.